Another day of excitement for Hope. It seems so long ago when we were wishing for boring days and no actions. Hope had her PICC line (IV) removed today. Unfortunately we did not get to see this because we were in the emergency room. A friend was visiting us today and she asked how Jen was doing. Jen said great but she had a terrible pain in her left calf. She thought it was a pulled muscle. A nurse overheard the conversation and said that Jen needed to call her OB. We made the call and they were worried about a possible blood clot. In the ER, they did an ultra sound of her leg to check for a blood clot. They found nothing and determined it to be a pulled muscle.
Hope was increased to 13.5 cc per hour of milk. They also want to breast feed her every 6 hours and bottle feed her. Hope seems to like the 11:00 feeding. She did a nice job of eating from Jen and then ate 7 cc from the bottle. The NNP said that one feeding would probably tire her out for most of the day. This is a big task for such a young girl.
Tonight Ryann and I spent some quality time with Hope. We gave her a bath, changed her clothes, weighed her (2120 grams), and read her some books. Oh what a great time!
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