Hope was moved to intermediate care this morning!!! This is a big move for Hope and another step closer to her coming home. She continues to gain a little bit of weight and is now having her feedings compressed. This means that they are giving her the same amount of milk, but over a shorter amount of time.
Brent goes back to work tomorrow. This is going to be hard since we have spent all day every day together for the past four weeks. I have an amazing husband and will miss him greatly while he is at school!
Great Job Hope! I am glad that she was moved... and that she is doing so well. I am glad that you are okay Aunt Jen! And Ryann lucky you again getting to hold her, read her books, and give her a bath you are such an awesome big sister to her. I love you all and I can't wait to see you all again. Love You Lots!
Hi Deuel Family,
We are so happy to hear all of the great things that are happening to Hope! She's making great strides towards getting herself home. Glad you are O.K. too, Jenny. Ryann, Hope is so lucky to have you for a big sister. Bo, Blake and Kylie can't wait to come and see you and Cam and to meet your new sister. Give her a kiss for us.
We love you all,
The Peterson's
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