Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hope's 5th Day

Hope had a good day today. She gained some weight today. She had to be given a suppository today to help with her stool. She continues to have some problems with this. She is still receiving 3ml per hour of food. They have not increased her foods because she is not digesting the food fast enough. The doctor told us not to worry because this is very normal for a preemie. She just is not ready for primetime! Her bilerubin count has gone down and they are happy with this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all the time! We know you are so busy between home, work, kids and hospital. Wish we were there to help. Little Hope is trying to her best to get home. Hope you are feeling well too, Jenny. The kids are so anxioius to meet Hope and see Ryann and Cam. We look forward to seeing the Deuel family SOON!