Hope decided to climb the steps between our basement and our entryway last night. I guess she doesn't realize that she is not quite a year old yet, or that she was born two months early and really shouldn't be achieving this feat yet. When she got to the top, she was all smiles and was extremely proud of herself. It looks like we might have a fearless little girl on our hands.
Thanks Camden for taking such great pictures!
Great job Hope.But now here comes trouble!!!!!!!!!
Oh Hope! You are truely amazing! How much you have accomplished in the short time you have been with us!
Lots and Lots of Love
Grandma Bogart
what a cutie! just 're-found' your blog and so wish we could have made it to the Peterson Christmas... Corrie would have loved to see all you guys (especially the baby, smile) ...and we would have too! love, the powells
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