Wow!!! What a weekend! We spent our weekend (or at least most of it) at the Rockford Relay For Life. As a whole, the Relay raised over $315,000. That is an increase of $50,000 over last year's total. Our team, Friends for Life, raised a little over $32,000. Needless to say, it was a very successful Relay and a lot of money was raised to help in the fight against cancer. We are so proud of Brent for the incredible job he does as one of the two co-chairs of this event.
Hope turned 4 months old yesterday and celebrated with us at Relay. She was able to spend a few hours there on Friday and a few hours there on Saturday. What a blessing it was to be able to have her there with us and to walk around the track as a family of five.
Ryann also had a soccer game this weekend. Her team tied, but she scored a goal. She has scored a goal in each of her last four games. We are all pretty excited about the great season she is having.
Our entire family is counting down the days until we are all on summer vacation. Camden has 6 more school days left, Brent has 12 and Ryann has 13. We are definitely looking forward to a summer of family time, friends time, swimming time and warm, sunny weather!
Hope has her four month doctor's appointment on Tuesday. We can't wait to hear what he has to say. She really seems to have grown quite a bit. She has a double chin now and even some rolls on her legs.
Thanks for checking in on us!
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