Two months ago, on January 3rd, this journey for our family began. In the two months since that day, our family has experienced a wide range of emotions: nervousness, fear, excitement, joy and a great deal of love. 6 weeks ago Hope came into this world and has changed our lives so much for the better. In these 6 weeks, Hope has come so far. She continues to grow bigger and stronger each day. She is starting to be more alert and is awake a greater amount of time during the day. She continues to eat well and is having success with both nursing and with her bottle feeds. We continue to be extremely cautious when it comes to visitors and germs. Hope has only been outside of our house 4 times (once when she came home from the hospital and the other 3 times for doctor's appointments). Our caution seems to be paying off. She continues to be healthy and does not have to go back to the doctor until March 20th. Ryann and Camden are in love with their little sister. They can't seem to walk by her without giving her a kiss or touching her or talking to her. This makes us as parents so proud and so glad that our family of 4 has now become a family of 5.
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